Treatment of Various diseases

Efficacy of Siddha Medicine  in diagnosis and  treatment of various diseases:-

The diagnosis of diseases in Siddha Medicine is based on  the examination of eight entities (envagi thaervu)  such as pulse, eyes, voice, touch, appearance,  tongue, face and urine. Among these, urine  examination is the major diagnostic method and it  is a specialty of Siddha medicine. The color of the urine,  smell, density, quantity and froth are noted in  almost all systems of diagnosis. But in Siddha medicine, in  addition to these, the surface tension and the  pattern of oil spreading on the surface of the  urine gives valuable information in diagnosing the  diseases . Apart from urine examination,  pulse (nadi) examination is another important  step, which is used for diagnosis and prognosis  of diseases.

        This is the most prominent  diagnostic procedure in Siddha medicine than in  Ayurveda and it has been suggested that  Ayurveda pulse diagnosis not common before the  late thirteenth-century was then followed by  Siddha medicine. The pulse examination is  done for females in left hand and for males in  right hand. The diagnosis also involves the  study of person as a whole as well as his  disease. The Siddha Medicine emphasizes that medical  treatment is oriented not merely to disease but  also take into account the patients’ environment,  the meteorological consideration, age, sex, race,  habits, mental frame, habitat, diet, appetite,  physical condition, physiological constitution etc.  This means the treatment is individualistic,  reducing the chance of misdiagnosis or wrong  treatments. In this regard, it seems that Siddha Medicine had  already an insight of individualized medicine  through  phenotypic  and  behavioral  characterization of individuals which now modern  research is trying to achieve through  pharmacogenomics  and  pharmacogenetics.

         According to Siddha Medicine, the physiological function in  the human system is mediated by three  substances (tridosham) i) wind (vatham) ii) bile  (pitham), iii) phlegm (kapam). If these three  substances function normally in the ratio 4: 2: 1  respectively, normal health is maintained. The  change in this ratio will lead to various diseases. Drugs of Siddha Medicine are used separately or in  combination for maintaining this normal ratio. The  combined drugs are classified into two  categories: enemy (satru) and friend (mitru). The  modern equivalent terms are compatible  (potentiating the action of one drug by another)  and incompatible (one drug antagonizes another  and reduces the therapeutic action). It is  believed that the Siddha Medicine is capable of treating all  types of diseases. For example, it is effective in  treating skin diseases, arthritis. Siddha  medical practitioners have also reported that this  system is effective in reducing the highly  debilitating conditions in HIV/AIDS and even  found to cure HIV positive and sexually  transmitted diseases (STD). Other diseases  such as cancer and diabetes (literally known as  putrunoi and neerazhivu noi in SSM) can also be  treated with Siddha drugs. This has been  demonstrated scientifically also.   


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